Why Kolor'Scapez!...?

Color;, n- nature - viewpoint, or attitude, character, personality
Scapes;, n - a scene, a view, often used in combination such as "seascapes" or "landscapes".

A play on lettering, defining my unique viewpoint of the landscape that is the world around me. I bring my character and attitude to my creativity, which can range from sublime and subtle, to screaming from the page (screen). A view that is at times chaotic, other times serene, and all the time distinctly me, oh and throw in a dash of tainted twistedness....LOL


Preview Services, 1 spot available! - Freebies coming soon - Watch for more new things!!!.
Monday, April 29, 2019

Tag for DAH Contest

This is a tag I made for a contest in the DAH group.
I was one of the three winners.. 
So cool I won a tube!

Then I took one of my own scrapkits called "Flutter into spring, available soon, 
and used the same tube to make this tag.. 
it was not entered into the contest.. 


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~Snag a Blinkie~

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~My Places~

~Shoppes Where I Sell~

Illustration store PicsForDesign.com
